Take one mad dog, add a stick. What do you get?
A walk with Vincent is always fun. Get the camera ready and plan what you are going to do and you get some great action photos. I love the ears and I love the eyes!
A walk with Vincent is always fun. Get the camera ready and plan what you are going to do and you get some great action photos. I love the ears and I love the eyes!
Celebrating National Cupcake Week.
When I enter the camera club (Southampton Camera Club) competitions I like to try to keep a broad range of work in my entries. These 2 photos did pretty well both gaining me a Seal of Merit. Very different to each other but I quite like the fact that they were taken in almost the same place. I enjoy my wildlife photography but for me the emphasis is still more on the photography than the wildlife so I often go down to Pennington Marshes when the light is very good. On this occasion Alastair, who is one of our better runners at my running club (New Forest Runners) was out on an early morning run and he provided the perfect “point of interest” subject matter for the beautiful golden light that morning. The spoonbill is a rare bird for this country but is now getting more common especially here in the South of England. They are not brilliant flyers and can have awkward, almost clumsy landings and that can provide good photo opportunities.
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