Photographing Architecture
Architecture photography is not my usual subject but that’s only because I live in the New Forest rather than a city. When I do go to the city, good architecture is something a really enjoy seeing and photographing what I see there is still basically the same as my other work. It’s all about light, composition, form and texture and this was enough for this photo to win the Kimber Coates Architecture themed competition at Southampton Camera Club yesterday.
When we visited Kristiansand recently we went to the Kunstsilo which translates as Art Silo. It is a huge old concrete grain silo in the old dock area and the conversion to the Art Gallery has embraced the brutal concrete structure it is housed in. The two staircases were superb and I probably spent more time photographing and looking at them than some of the exhibits. This photo for me was a really good photo in colour but I think the monochrome is better. Certainly the judge liked it.
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