This photo is from a shoot with Louise Rogers. I decided to use it as a competition entry at the camera club and wanted to focus on her muscle definition and her veins which is why I cropped it the way I did. I rather cheekily called it “The Weaker Sex” and that is one reason why I deliberately kept in the lipstick and enhanced the light falling on the nail varnish. The flash of blond hair helped too. These touches would have been lost if I went down the route of monochrome so I kept the colour image. It’s almost impossible to predict how a judge will react to a photo like this in a club competition so a felt pleasantly surprised when it was awarded 10/10 and a Seal of Merit.
I have a couple more body building shoots lined up soon but this time it will be men. When you get subjects that through disciplined training and years of dedication become extraordinary you have a great opportunity for very striking photos. It’s something that I truly respect which is why I like this genre. Watch this space.
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